Jackson College is totally committed to student success. In continued efforts to help all students be successful, the College is launching the Hunger-Free Campus initiative.

This will provide hungry students food to eat and some basic necessities. Students who self-identify can receive emergency assistance coupons with non-cash value of $10 to meet food, hygiene or household needs. All you need to do is come to one of the locations listed below and ask them for a coupon – and then go get your food. 就是这样!

Coupons may be used for:

  • Meals at the 餐厅共用, 全球网络赌博平台
  • A la carte food at the Jet Fuel coffee shop, William Atkinson Hall (excluding coffee, tea & 冰沙)
  • Hygiene and household needs at the 飞机商店, 全球网络赌博平台 (excluding clothing and college merchandise)

Coupons are available at these locations:

  • 喷气机商店
  • 餐厅共用